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Sunday, June 20, 2010

ටියුෂන් තහනම් - From Dinamina

සබරගමුව පළාතේ වයස අවුරුදු පහේ සිට දහසය දක්වා වන ළමයින් සඳහා ඉරිදා දිනවල උදෑසන 8.00 සිට සවස 2.00 දක්වාත් පසළොස්වක පොහෝ දිනවලත් කිසිදු පෞද්ගලික පාසලක් හෝ උපකාර පන්තියක් නොපැවැත්විය යුතු බවට පළාත් ආණ්ඩුකාරවරයා සබරගමුව පළාත් සභාව වෙත ඉදිරිපත් කර තිබූ පළාත් අධ්‍යාපන ප්‍රඥප්ති සංශෝධනය අද (6) එම පළාත් සභාවේ දී ඒකමතිකව සම්මත විය.

පළාත් සභාව විසින් පළාත් අධ්‍යාපන ප්‍රඥප්තියට අදාළව සම්මත කරන ලද සංශෝධනවලට අනුව එකී ප්‍රඥප්ති කඩ කරන යම් පුද්ගලයකු එක් වතාවකට වඩා වැරදිකරුවකු වන අවස්ථාවක දී රුපියල් පන්දහස නොඉක්මවන දඩයක් සහ මාස හයක බරපතළ වැඩ සහිත සිරදඬුවමකට යටත් විය යුතු වේ.


  1. Now, the police will have to implement this law. They must check whether children are going to tuition classes or elsewhere.
    All policemen, take note. Unless you follow the following guidelines/instructions, you are guilty of dereliction of duty.
    1. Be watchful on Poya days and Sundays between 8 am and 2 pm to see what and where tuition classes are conducted.
    2. Check the age of all children at such classes. Some of them may have committed a punishable offence.
    3. They may not tell the truth. Make every possible effort to ascertain the truth. In case of doubt, call for their certificates of birth.
    4. Be reminded that under the law of Sri Lanka, aiding and abetting the commission of an offence is itself an offence.
    5. Immediately after you detect any culprit at any tuition class, proceed to detect who aided and abetted the culprit.
    6. Bear in mind that the one who so aided and abetted is likely to be the mother or the father but it could be the grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, servant or any other one or any combination of such persons.
    7. Now, proceed with your investigation of the offence. Record their statements and the statements of the witnesses, if any.
    8.Thereafter, file the necessary papers in the relevant court to prosecute the suspect as you usually do in case of other offences.
    N. B. You are not supposed to complain of being overloaded with unnecessary work at a time the country is confronted with much graver problems. Never imagine for a moment that the country has any other graver problem than getting the children to attend to their religious activities.

  2. Since the school age kids can't go to Tuition classes on Poya days, and those employed find it difficult to come on work days at 4:15 PM maybe the Rationalist Society should meet on Poya Days so that more of the younger generation can come for our meetings. Not sure if the NM Perera center can be used on Poyadays, else we can find one of the many vacant tuition halls.

  3. kavanr - Your suggestion is bright. It will be discussed and a decision arrived at.
    Thanks for the suggestion.
